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Links on this page are to my designs, affiliate links, or social media.
Any purchase you make after clicking one of these links has the potential to provide income to me.

Welcome to the whimsical world of Felan Art, where I, Bob Felan, your trusty artist from Charleston, South Carolina, cook up a creative storm! In this artistic playground, I craft an array of delightful wonders, from etched wood that whispers secrets, to glass that sparkles like a diamond, digital art that's a pixel party, clothing and accessories that redefine fashion, and a whole lot of other surprises that'll make you raise an eyebrow.

As for my art, well, it's been dubbed whimsical, fun, and unique, but honestly, it's a cross between a unicorn on a unicycle and a cat playing jazz saxophone. My inspiration? A mad mix of pop culture adventures, spiritual contemplations that would make a guru nod in approval, postcards from my journeys, the quirky companions that share my life, and the uproarious chaos of friends and family.

Would you believe I've been at this art caper for over five decades? I kick-started my creative journey as a graphic designer, but the siren call of personal and expressive art quickly pulled me in. No fancy art school for this maverick -- I'm a card-carrying member of the self-taught club, learning the ropes through a delightful maze of trial, error, and a healthy dose of stubbornness. I'm the laboratory scientist, constantly brewing new concoctions of techniques and materials, pushing the boundaries of the possible.

Ready to make your life a little more colorful? Well, apart from the treasure trove of handcrafted goodies on this site, you can snag some of my graphic designs on Spring, Deviantart, CafePress, and Displate. If you're up for some artsy adventures, you can also track me down on YouTube, TikTok, Facebook, Instagram, Threads, and for the connoisseurs of creativity, there's always Patreon. Come along, let's paint the town, one pixel at a time!

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